You Must Try

In February 2013, an idea for a story came to me, in such a rush, that for one month, I did nothing but write. However, by the time November approached, I found excuses for why I couldn't possibly participate in NaNoWriMo: I probably didn't have another story in me; the month kicks off with my son's birthday; we usually have family in town for at least two weekends in November; Thanksgiving—and a week off for the kids—rounds out that month. No way can I write 50,000 words, right?

Last fall, though, after urging from one of my writing group members, I decided to shelve the excuses and put on paper the women's fiction that was in my head. Sure, I was busy—who isn't with four children, their activities, my own teaching, editing, and writing group, and life's everyday business? But I found myself with a goal in hand and because of that, I prioritized my writing. And miraculously, everything fell into place: my kids behaved and allowed me time to write; no one cared that we ate the same dinner two nights in a row; my editing obligations flowed smoothly; and for at least two days that I subbed, I was left in charge of students who had an assignment to do, which meant I could, conceivably, write for hours at a stretch!

The lesson I learned? It didn't matter how crazy life was at the moment, getting at least 1667 words down each day could be done. And I was a person who could do it. (Yes, I won NaNoWriMo 2015 and I blogged about it, which you can read here.)

It's no surprise then, that despite the insanity that encompasses my life again this year (and I swear it only gets worse with each year that passes), I'm piling just a bit more on. I've decided to write a New Adult story, Just Be. I know that with a positive attitude and the support of the Dayton NaNoWriMo region, I'll be able to call myself a winner again this year.

So I say to you, if nothing else, know this:
1.      You can do it.
2.      But first, you must try. 

Christina Consolino


  1. Thank you, Christina, for inspiring us. Sometimes all we need to do is find the courage to try.

  2. Wow! I'm amazed at all you achieve. Best wishes to you and yours.


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