Faith As a Mustard Seed

Hi.  My name is Shari. My Nano name is Archadia, and I write Christian Fiction.

I joined NaNo in 2011 after my husband passed away. It had been several months, and I was looking for ways to express myself/find myself, get out of the house, and meet new people. A friend had told me about this a couple of years before, but I had too much on my plate. In 2011, my daughter asked me if I wanted to do this with her and I jumped at the opportunity. Unfortunately, I had made too many commitments, and nano was the first to go. I didn't come close to my goal, and just kind of forgot about it over the next few years. Life got in the way again, but I was always journaling. 

One day in 2015, I was going through my journals and came across this document without a title.  I read it and thought, "wow! This is really good!  I wonder who wrote it and how it got in my google docs?"  Slowly, it came back to me that it was the piece I had started in 2011. I really liked it when I thought someone else had written it, and tried to continue it, but could never get that voice back. Besides, there were a lot of other stories in my head.  One had been nagging at me for years. I rewrote the first paragraph numerous times over a 5 year period but never got past it. 

So I decided that was the year I was going to do it! And guess what?! I did! 

I was so excited and printed out the whole thing, dedicated to editing it in December and January.Turned out it filled a 3" 3-ring binder, so it was a little too overwhelming for me. It's still in the binder, under my bed, and I promised my husband I would get it published in 2017 (assuming I'll just do it as an e-book only on Amazon and hoping to make enough money to pay for the editor and cover art).

NaNo is my motivation and inspiration, and without it, I would have never finished writing my first book. Thank you, NaNo!


  1. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. Best wishes and happy writing!

  2. Thank you, Shari. Your story touched me and gave me hope. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Thank you, both; and thank you for posting this :)


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