NaNoWriMo Day 9

Daily Snippets #9, November 9, 2015

It's day nine. How are you feeling about your story now? Has a new character become a favorite or has one taken over and did something unexpected. I love it when they write themselves. Maybe it's the wine or maybe it's my subconscious working its way out, who knows?

 I laughed when I found the Monty Python meme. However, I won't be watching Holy Grail until after November is over.


  1. Monty Python! Too cool. That last one about a private space is totally me. I always wanted a play house filled with books and writing materials. ~sigh~ Still do, I guess.

    Now I'd best get back to my novel for Tippy! Interestingly, the anthology idea didn't pan out. And that seemed so fitting because of my propensity for decent short stories. Oh, well. Words are words, and they make some sense even!


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