
If you've participated in Nanowrimo then you've had to explain what it stands for and, most likely, repeat what you've said. Nano-who-be-whaty?

I smile when I get to educate people about NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. (see what I did there?)

I've wondered about that smile. Why smile when talking about Nano?

Joy. Writing is fun. I love making my characters come alive. Watching other people's excitement as they give birth to their story is awesome.

Community. The Wrimos I've met are awesome. My home region of Dayton is full of generous, helpful (and sexy ;) ) people. Whether we are quietly typing or discussing plot holes, I feel a part of something bigger (Y'all are like a second family). Writers, in general, are friendly creative people who I enjoy getting to know.

Satisfaction. There's a sense of achievement when you reach your goal, either the daily word count of 1,667 or 50k for the month. "I think I can" becomes "I did it!"

What about Nanowrimo makes you smile? I'd love to hear your story. Let's encourage others this November. I'm looking to for inspirational Nanowrimo stories to post daily during November. If you'd care to contribute, please comment below or contact me at

It's that time of year again. No, not Thanksgiving or Christmas. November!

Prepare to be inspired. Happy writing, my friends.


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