The Writing Bug

I've been bitten by the writing bug. Boy, does it itch and distract me from doing other things. All I think about is this story, characters and plot. The Chronicles of Eventide is an epic fantasy with a strong, yet flawed, heroine and November of 2010 I wrote the first in the series. I started on the second shortly after but set it aside to work on In Triplicate. The Chronicles of Eventide is whispering to me. Scratch that. It's yelling: Come on! Finish me!

It will be a daunting task. Creating a whole new world, including the politics, religions, legends and cultures is challenging and complicated. It's like weaving or quilting an intricate piece of art but using only words.

Yet it's calling me. I am anxious to start. I've been bitten and the only cure is to write.

Click The Chronicles of Eventide link and learn more about the epic journey of personal discovery Len'nora Baristiran must take. Follow the Authonomy link to read the first 5 chapters.


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